The Danish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (DVCA), in association with BVCA, FVCA, NVCA, SVCA, NVP, ESTVCA, LTVCA, PSIK and BVK, is proud to present the 7th Nordic Fundraising Summit in Copenhagen on March 4th and 5th, 2015.
This conference will bring together some of the most important LPs world-wide. The objective is clear: to pair them with some of the most successful venture and buyout funds from all over Europe and North America.
Along with an exciting programme and general networking, meetings between LPs and GPs are possible from 9.30 - 6.00 (PM).
Participation fee for GPs and associated members of the DVCA, SVCA, BVCA, FVCA, NVP, ESTVCA, LTVCA, NVCA, PSIK and BVK is 495 € pr. person. Non-members of the associations may also participate for 995 €.
Contact DVCA’s Gorm Boe Petersen, gbp@dvca.dk to register.
Please note that the number of participants is limited to 150 persons.
Upon registration GPs and LPs will receive a link to our conference website with updated information on the conference.